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Taiwan's Long Walk to Freedom of Speech

Taiwan's Long Walk to Freedom of Speech

Apr. 7th, 2022-Apr. 7th, 2024, 0900-1800, Monday-Sunday

Chang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Permanent Exhibition Hall


In October 1945, after the KMT took over Taiwan, many state violations and suppression of human rights cases occurred. After the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, President Chiang Kai-shek strengthened the authoritarian system with economic and military assistance from the United States, which further suppressed Taiwan's freedom of speech.


It was only after the lifting of martial law in 1987 and the termination of the Period of National Mobilization for the Suppression of the Communist Rebellion in 1991 that the authoritarian regime ended. However, as to freedom of speech, it was until the abolishment of the Betrayers Punishment Act in 1991 and the revision of Article 100 of the Criminal Law in 1992 that the people of Taiwan were free from intimidation from the State. Since then, freedom of speech has been guaranteed.


Taiwan is now an advanced democracy in East Asia, and it ranks among the top in the protection of freedom of speech. "Taiwan's Long Walk to Freedom of Speech" focuses on the progress of freedom of speech in Taiwan. Based on the historical context from 1945 to the present, the exhibition is divided into the following units to present Taiwan's arduous journey from authoritarianism to freedom and democracy.


1. The Formation of the Speech Suppression System

2. 1945-1949: Taiwan's Media Catastrophe and the "April 6 Incident."

3. the 1950s: "Free China" and the Struggle regardless of Provincial Identifications

4. the 1960s: The Fearless Figures under the Suffocation of Speech

5. the 1970s-1980s: Setbacks and Breakthroughs of Dang-Wai Collective Actions

6. 1987-1992: Sacrifice and Crash on the Last Mile

7. Conclusion: Challenges of the New Era

Taiwan's Long Walk to Freedom of Speech
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